Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I have it. Object Frenzy is an absolutely perfect title for this particular show, the vernissage, and the reaction to it that I witnessed tonight. I didn't take any pictures of the vernissage, but let's talk highlights. Not highlights like about the actual artwork, since you're going to hear all about that in forthcoming articles and interviews that'll appear in the catalogue, but more about the amazing things that were specific to the vernissage:

1. Dessert pizza covered in various candies and sweets.
2. An official Object Frenzy colouring book.
3. Delicious chocolate cake with some of the best icing I've ever tasted which was also covered in butterscotch chips and pecans and fairy dust.
4. Born to Run on repeat (the album, not just the one song. I'm not even going to get into the extent of my fandom here and now but let's just say, if you want to hear me talk for 2 hours without stopping, ask me how I feel about the Boss).
5. TOWER OF HOT DOGS. Taking one from the tower felt like playing Jenga. With hot dogs. So, basically, a dream come true.

Of course, my enthusiasm for the highlights of the vernissage doesn't come at the expense of the art itself. All the attention the show got tonight was certainly well-deserved. It's a fantastic show, perfectly thought out and executed by the extremely talented duo of Rachel Crummey and Richard Muller. So check it out! There's also an artist talk next Thursday, October 8, at the VAV Gallery at 7pm, which, given the caliber of the show and variety of the works, should prove to be really interesting.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Seductive Potential

The next show to take place at the VAV Gallery features the work of artists Rachel Crummey and Richard Muller and is entitled `Seductive Potential`. The show runs from Monday, September 28th to Friday, October 9th, with a vernissage in the gallery on Tuesday, September 29th, from 7pm to 9pm. Come check out the vernissage and write an article about the show! Here's a little itty-bitty sneak-peek of the show:

Friday, September 25, 2009

The VAV Gallery Catalogue produces written work about and documents the shows that go on at Concordia University`s student-run, student-works only VAV Gallery, the only gallery of it`s kind in Canada. If you`re interested in writing or editing for the catalogue, email vav.catalogue@gmail.com to hear about upcoming shows and writing and editing opportunities!